Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Living off the Fat of the Land

Our goal is to one day grow our own food out at The Hollow. We want to build a cob greenhouse (we'll use salvaged sliding glass doors as our roof!), and have gardens, and maybe even an orchard of some kind. But for now, the land is providing us with plenty of tasty tid-bits! Like these black berries! There are just oodles of them! Brian and I had a lot of fun picking them--in spite of their nasty stickers. We've also found "cats paws", wild onions, pecans, sand plums, and walnuts to eat! Now we just need to "tend them rabbits"!


Paul.Morin said...


Viewing this entire blog from the bottom up shows off a wide range of emotions. It's a great read. Glad to hear you are coping, I mean cobbing nicely in OK!

I look forward to seeing your progress on the house. Keep the posts coming!


P.S. Happy Belated Birthday!

Hannah said...

Hey, Pu-al!
Glad you're finding my emotional roller coaster amusing! Thanks for the b-day wish...yup, I'm old.

Kimberley said...

Hannah smitten kitten...You have a lofty worthy of striving towards...I think it is funny how you and are still so in sync...tom & i dream of a farm with a garden...and goats...and although I can't live entirely off my little homestead here, I joined a CSA to at least eat local NH organic produce this summer...I do have my own herbs and some veggies...It is nice to think about living more simply in these complicated times...kudos to you and Brian for doing your get to procreating huh?????

Aaron said...

Hey there my favorite Cousin!

I was just showing my kids that there are other crazy people just like their dad!

Skylr and Roxi want me to tell you that they love your art and want to be as good as you some day.

It's great to see you are doing well.

Good luck with your COB!!

We love ya!!!

Hannah said...

Hey Aaron,

Whadup cuz? Did you know that your talented renderings of Rambo, Charlie Chaplin, and U2 helped inspire me to become an artist? As a kid, I remember peering up at your drawings on Mem's fridge in awe of your mad skills! Glad I can do the same for Roxi and Skylr!
