Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Howdy, Buck-a-roos!

So we're finally up to window height! Yippee! Well...actually...I guess we were up to window height a while ago, but just didn't know it. Oops! But that's ok...we like spending our free time undoing things we've already done.
So we had to saw part of our wall out! We thought this was going to be a huge pain in the gluteus, but actually, it was pretty easy. We just drew chalk lines on our wall, and went to town!


(Using a screw, tape measure, and some string, Brian...found a way to center our window.)

So now we've got a window buck (a rough opening) for our window, and part of a sill, too!
This makes it a little easier to "play house".
Grass soup and mud pies, coming right up!

These are some pictures of our house as of Friday.
We've got two window bucks in, and about 3 feet of wall.
And I know 3 feet doesn't sound like much (and trust me, I wish we had more than that), but it took a LOT of work to get those 3 feet. So instead of getting discouraged about how much we have left to do, I try to focus on how much we've done.
The good news is, that I found out from Kindra (Workshop Instructor Extraordinaire), that we can keep on building until a bucket of water freezes to an inch thick over night...which might not even happen in Oklahoma. Which means that we can keep on building indefinitely! This is a huge relief because we thought our building was going to have to come to a screeching halt for the winter. So I guess we'll keep on plugging away! It's great to not feel so rushed (it makes building that much more enjoyable), but now we've got to make sure to stay motivated (oh, wait, we're living with our grandparents...motivation found!). Also, I guess we can put our roof on 2 to 3 days after our final course of cob! So it looks like we might have a house sooner than we thought!


Anonymous said...

Windows look good! Maybe our life will calm down a little after Thanksgiving and I'll get back out there and try to help some more. As long as you keep me away from the poison ivy!

Heather Ponzer said...

That is such good news! I can't wait to come help around Christmas time. Hope it doesn't snow...wait...I kinda do. I hope it snow ON Christmas. There! See ya next week!

BYY said...

great news and great progress! i'm psyched for you guys. go team harrison!